Wednesday, March 5, 2014

People and the Sea: Semporna

Seporna was in the news  because it was rated as the "dirtiest" city in Malaysia. Seporna is a working port, not a tourist locality, so it is not the prettiest place I've seen. but definitely one of the most fasacinating.

Fish Market

The fish market is located right next to the sea, so this is the freshest fish that you can get.

Nearby you could find drying fish...

and drying sea cucumbers. This is something that I have never seen before.

The covered market

The mosque is located just a few blocks from my hotel.

Street scene.

Squirmy kid getting a hair cut.

I had to take a picture of his sister as well.

He's everywhere!!

Cute baby.

Down by the waterfront.

Hotel and Dive Shop

The grocery store across the street.

At the Market

It looks like Colonel Sanders has some competition.

Some New Friends

This little girl had her own personal drug store on the sidewalk.

Very happy lady selling trinkets.

These girls sold me a waffle with kaya (a spread made out of coconut).

There was a lot of action on the dock late Saturday afternoon. Many people came to town via boat from up and down the coast and from nearby islands.

The view from the dock area out to "Bum Bum" Island.

Video: Badjau at Semporna

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